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WHO Collaborating Centre

for Modelling, Evolution and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases


In 2012, the University of Cambridge received designation as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre. This designation was primarily in recognition and support of the contribution to public health by the Centre for Pathogen Evolution, in the Department of Zoology. The activities of the Collaborating Centre have subsequently grown to include numerous other groups throughout the University.

Located in the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge, the Centre for Pathogen Evolution conducts highly translational scientific research focused on improving our understanding and ability to predict pathogen evolution in humans and other animals.

As part of this work we curate a global database of antigenic information, and working with computational, mathematical and laboratory tools for pathogen surveillance and evaluation, we provide essential support to WHO activities in influenza vaccine strain selection, and emergency response for time-critical public health questions.

Drawing on research groups and institutes spanning the University’s Veterinary and Clinical Schools, our Collaborating Centre also provides the WHO with expertise in pandemic response, modelling of infectious and vector-borne diseases, clinical management, immunopathology, international/travel medicine, enteroviruses and other emerging encephalitides